Friday, 11 July 2008

my times

and then the good times go by, the good days pass by, the moments and memories are kept safe as cherishable ones, not on video, not in pictures only, in your heart you have them, in your mind you have them, in heaven they are there as the one above had it all planned.

for friends we know, and we knew, for our loves we love, and we once loved. for parents we have, we had. for guardians and teachers we have, we had. the paths we follow, we followed, the one above knows and knew all about.

and it is not the time to sit and worry about all those, we begin to realise it is a game of chess, we cover all the moves to win. we realise we have to make smart moves, and check mates.

am closing my eyes to enjoy the day as i feel the energy of it is splendid, i feel my novelity so strong the freshness of it smells great, this is life and for the time being am the queen, my serenity rules and you oblige as nothing feels right except that.

my friend and my lover, my family and to the one above, i give it all to you. for the support has been awesome.

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