Thursday, 28 January 2010

when tragedy strikes....

facing demons is coming to terms with the wickedness and immorality in our lives. and there is no way we can evade it. as much as they strike to devastate us, to wipe us out, it is in the beauty of our hearts that we have to stand for and put up with the strain and disturbance of the life we live. it is in our elegance and the perfection of our heart, to take it all, in and live it, deal with it in the most professional manner for us to find healing and forgiveness. then there is that moment of questioning and inquiring, we lack the knowledge and understanding, why we would go thorough devastating and overwhelming paths. and a sincere heartfelt passion filled question comes out, 'Why'. When we have reached the end of the tunnel and there is no light, we get on our knees and ask God, Why? Lord, whats up? why are men coming to me with thoughts of illusion to puzzle and disturb me? but still, there is no reason for us to doubt Him, to question His LOVE. even if it is so hard to understand why. Then we loose our momentum, and sorrow makes us struggle with the temptation to doubt the love of God. And our faith is tested.....

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