Saturday, 12 January 2008

the festive season has ended now, and i hope everybody enjoyed themselves. i hope everybody managed to look back into 07 sighed with lots of variety. i know the stars twinkled as it guided the wise men manifested in everybody's life and helped them break new grounds in 08. i had gone home 712km away from the main city of Botswana, Gaborone where at the moment i am trading my skills and experience. home was great, i was with mama, and my siblings. i arrived on the 23rd and the following day, on christmass eve i cooked them as a christmass present, a nice sweet and juicy meal. i love cooking, so i had a good time, come Christmas's day, i was home alone the whole day, with my mom and the rest of the family gone out. it was that time that i really needed to be alone, that time again to pray and reflect on the journey i have had...
that time again, that moment of a year, a great one in our was that time again for those lucky one like me and you. those unlucky like myself yourself. when the pages of a book are all turned to the left. when moments of time are all behind us. when all we had was memories...
that time again to say our goodbyes. to say our i love yous. to say our i am sorrys. to say our thank yous.
that time again to let go. to grow and nurture. to be warm and welcoming.
that time again to be, and just to be.
you. us. ourselves with our loving families.
in love friendship and trust shared.
let us pray. let us give.
i came back to my life in the city on Boxing Day and the following day back to work as normal until new year's eve.
and for that i hope you had a wonderful time too. keep well and enjoy 08.

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