Saturday, 08 December 2007

they should

grown ups should be able to control themselves, their emotions, temper temptation and manage to compose themselves. because they have the acumen to see between light and dark, their lives are controlled by their impulse, they should differ in reason, thought and deed, because they are able to see between correct and wrong. they tell the young everything and as a kid you would believe what they tell you. they say one thing and do another they should be able to lead because they are able to read and write because they are able to know between reality fact and myth they are able to differ between bad good and dangerous because they are able to know the truth to differ between evil and holy they have the strength to make wise decisions they should nurture the young because they are able to safe they should safe the world because they can differentiate between safety and poison... they should lead not mislead they should, they should.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

.. and to remember that they were children once .. that their children are children .. and they still bear the Child they were, within.