Thursday, 27 November 2008

Do you usually feel at peace with yourself despite the way your situations are, you just brush aside any bother that comes to your mind and be in the moment of serene with your being, your life, your environment? These past few days, I find it just wonderful being in the house alone. I do my things at my own time and pace. And at time just switch off my mobile at times and switch of the power plugs, to be in the dark except for the candle flickering in the kitchen and the bedroom (I put it on the floor) I sit in the lounge, I cant describe what I feel, but the silence is awesome. And I switch back the power, I can’t stand the noise from the tv and the fridge, I almost switch them off. And again the bedroom, its so spacious and I find it relaxing, I sprawl myself across widely and the soft cushions are just what my skin needs, like coming home with an aching back and the feet, after a shower, I sit by the tv , then later retire to bed. I say a silent prayer to the one above, I thank Him for the strength and this great life I have.

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