Tuesday, 07 August 2007

last night

it was windy and very cold, with dry leaves everywhere...on the road....i could see them falling down from their branches as i drove by in a taxi, i could feel them rustling as they rubbed together....that soft crackling sound they make......it is music.....so when i reached home, i was so cold but managed to make some fire,put the kettle on for a cup of coffee before i warmed myself up.. standing there before the coming up fire, still the music was playing on my ears, music from tree leaves brushing and falling...... when i looked up the sky.....the stars.....and the music.....light filled my heart....i was smiling.... and then my kettle was boiling so i gathered my cup with sugars and coffees..... getting ready for a hot drink..... standing there by the crackling fire.....i could feel my coffee warming up my insides as i was sipping it slowly and slowly...... night bugs....dry leaves.....fire...log breaking....a squirel ran by breaking a twig....all was music to my soul and drama to my tired looking eyes.... gathering myself up ready for bedtime........... i hated leaving behind all that life but couldnt wait to feel the soft cushions of my bedcovers..... and the music still plays this morning as i write this.........


Izz said...

First ever to comment YAYYYYYYY!!!!. Love your work galfriend. And trust me, it's the right start and cos it's quality, soon you will be having a massive community of readers.

pdii said...

thanks izzo. hey dear! you dont know what its doing to me...yr comment and all that i learnt from yr blogg, and am learning everyday...if i didnt meet you...this couldnt have happnd.