Tuesday, 16 December 2008

There's a flame in my heart which emits from the startenchanted words luring me to enter this breathtaking artThe inflamed clouds at sunset so serene with visions of love caressing what is meant to beMy eye's inflamed with tears of this perfect love so sincereas my hearts desires were cleansed by her flaming teaseIntensity erupts as our hearts where inflamedmy sense indulged with adore throughout my veinsHer alluring smile paints the colours of my dreams,passion and affection flowing with such an ease With hearts inflamed our souls captivate all that remainsessence of love pours out embracing all that we contain

Friday, 28 November 2008

Eyes, a mirrorof a soul so dear Reflecting a love that is blind Words,written down Timeless,ageless proofrendering all your lips can 't say Poem, of true love How real it all seems Words, of longing poured intoverse Heart, beating fast This time, will it last? Dare I believe your words sostrong? Fear to get hurt, yet longing for careIn God and fate I put my trust

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Do you usually feel at peace with yourself despite the way your situations are, you just brush aside any bother that comes to your mind and be in the moment of serene with your being, your life, your environment? These past few days, I find it just wonderful being in the house alone. I do my things at my own time and pace. And at time just switch off my mobile at times and switch of the power plugs, to be in the dark except for the candle flickering in the kitchen and the bedroom (I put it on the floor) I sit in the lounge, I cant describe what I feel, but the silence is awesome. And I switch back the power, I can’t stand the noise from the tv and the fridge, I almost switch them off. And again the bedroom, its so spacious and I find it relaxing, I sprawl myself across widely and the soft cushions are just what my skin needs, like coming home with an aching back and the feet, after a shower, I sit by the tv , then later retire to bed. I say a silent prayer to the one above, I thank Him for the strength and this great life I have.

Thursday, 30 October 2008


when she talks to you, they have their moment
when she sings out loud, they have their strength
when she laughs out loud, they have their spirit
when she loves you, they have great time
their times stands and moves at the same time
their heart beats and stops at the same time
their world spins and stops at the same time
their blood in their veins gets warm and cold at the same time
because she do really care because she do really mean and when you don't come back, she dies away
when you don't love back, she cries bad
when you don't care much, she dies away
when you don't laugh,cry,sing with them
she do fly away.
because that is chasing them further apart
because that is scaring them further away
because she do really want to belong please do belong with them.
if i had a hammer on my hand i'd hit mylsef so bad, then i'd expect people to give me sympathy and attention. because i feel so alone and i need so much attention. it does not really matter how other people see me but the way i view myself is of a big essence. it does not really matter if people see me it does not really matter much if they dont see me Trust me even if i were as well off as i can ever imagine but that view i have of myself will drop my ego the lowest worst point again. it is also going to make people see me the very way i see myself. i will have to change my view of myself. and remember that change that is everlasting starts from within. if i can change the way i see myself then all other things will follow. all other views from all other people will suit. when i do a single simple mistake i hammer myself so bad that i feel i am worthless. i am stepping on eggshells and throwing my glasshouse with stones. make peace with myself. make peace with you. i do not understand why i do this to myself. do you understand why you do this? you are so conscious of your mistakes. all the problems we face, we go through are mental and within that is why they manifest. it is in us to work on them. let us work on that.
I am sure i can see that i am going through a lot and you are too. We need to sort our personal issues individually. If i am going to overlook my situations, then they will later catch up with me. You seem to be ignoring the reality too. For example, look at your condition as an individual, you know you are not ok at all. Neither am i. I do not believe any person can complete the other, but they can complement each other. In other words, if I be with you and I am not complete, I will bring inbalance to you. and likewise. it is wise for me to have some time for myselff. Can’t you see? it is sensible too, for you to have some time alone. Cant you see? quality time spent in prayer, introspction and conclusions for the best. good luck.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

when he called he talked when he cried she listened when he said hello she said hi and they laughed. when he called he caught her offguard he listened to her voice so sweet and innocent when she laughed, he smiled. when he smiled, she blinked with light and sunshine the cord that linked them, the connection was so passionate. they laughed they smiled.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

she is my mother

the woman i so much love this woman i so much resemble i think of her so often i hardly see her, like thrice a year though we talk often on the phone. i thought of her this morning. the woman whos been in my life since i was born this woman i carry her in my heart i copied everything in her the voice i speak the body i am the smile i have the colour of my skin the colour of my eyes this alone means so much to me i saw her smile at me this morning. we have some history together we have some story to tell but i long forgave her because she is my mother i know she has forgiven me too because i am her only sunshine i thought of her this morning. we both have been so much we both deserve better we both rely on each other we both connect in so many ways we both know each other we think of each other each morning. she is my mother.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

i dream

of the things i dream of of the people i see in my dreams of the dreams i have in my sleep. the things i dream of in my life i live them everyday i intend reaching for them someday. ********************************** flying to a far away land where there is no familair face running to a farway desert where there is no familair animal driving to a farway place where there is no familiar scent.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

please come back

I miss you, talking to you, writing and you writing back right away, laughing with you, holding your hands,fingers, seeing your face light up with happiness when I smile at you. I miss your stare, you telling me you see some beauty and more of it everytime you look at me. remember that? I think of the day we were working on your car, you under it and me sitting right next on the ground. The morning you were preparing to go back home, and you were giving me a couple of music videos and cds, and I asked if they were mine and you said they are ours not mine. I miss eating with you I miss feeding you, forcing the food in your mouth, begging you to feed for one last time. I miss seeing you strip and bath. I miss hugging you I miss hearing you sing a tune And listening to you talk while you touch your face at the same time. I miss saying to you, ‘babe don’t touch your face’ I miss you touching my behind after I spilled a drink on myself the afternoon we were eating at Mcdonalds’ I think of you, too often. Do u think of me?

Monday, 13 October 2008

the mountains we climb alone are steep and when we come down do we feel any difference. the silence we need alone when we come back do we feel any better. to ease our minds, to heal our hearts. to reconnect with our inner soul. to seek ourselves. to try to find peace. when we come back, do we feel any different. when we fly away when we drive away when we run away from our troubles. from our enemies when we come back, are we better people. do we go to the unknown world to seek the unknown truth do we go to the stranger places to seek unseen happiness do we go to the far away places to find something unfamiliar and when we do, do we do find what we need. and are we alone on this. or we take with us our finest familiar tools. or we expect them to wait for us and we want to find them waiting in once peace. when we come back? and when we find them, are they better people when we find them, are we better people. when we come back, when they come back, do we embrace them, do they welcome us? do we expect to continue where we left off?

Friday, 10 October 2008


hope is a necessary part of my life because i can face anything, anybody and everybody that life throws at me. it is what gets me up in the morning because its my desire and my expectation to go on and have a rich life which is unfolding before myself, regardless of some circumstances at the moment. HoPe is ThE ThInG WiTh FeAtHeRs That PeRcHes In ThE SoUl aNd SiNgS tHe TuNe WiThOuT WoRds, AnD nEvEr StOps At AlL - EMILY DICKINSON the season is changing and with change comes good and bad things, but there is always a reminder that God is faithful. i trust that you are doing very well, and enjoying God's blessings.... KeEp hOpiNg.

Friday, 05 September 2008

the season of trees and flowers springing. life jumps back to our lives from the chills and frosts.we sit back and enjoy the moments. look back and forth, embrace changes in or lives. change instances,paths and learn from those experiences then move on with the spring as we come to the end of the year. we then wonder how quickly it has come to this moment, unexpectedly we realise we have unfinished projects we started when the year began. but then we understand and appreciate the precious lives we have. not forgetting the one above, as He showers us with blessings, we look forward to another fruiful year.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

great love

great love can never cease, because when we love the men and women, when we are with the children we so love. when we are joyful they feel our joys when we find ecstasy in friendship when we find romance in another man's arms when we find solace in another woman's arms they are ecstatic for us. when we smile, the earth moves for them because their love is great because great love can never cease. because they love us in a thousand million ways. so let us remember they are so much to us. and we are so much to them. their love and prayers are with us, because our hearts are connected.

Thursday, 07 August 2008

Would you make love to someone just for the benefit of it? No. You make love to someone with some emotions attached because it is a sentimental thing. You touch and feel that person; you are together on it and communicate all the way. You reach out to them if they seem distant, but if they aren’t reachable then it means it is having sexual intercourse that the two of you are doing. When you are not together, you barely talk, and when you are together you talk about just other things, basic things in life, and when you reach your house they are reading the paper, when you reach their house they are either drinking some wine while watching you cook them a meal, or they are going through their paper again, or doing some work, or watching the news, and there is little talk, basically it is you who is bringing up matters to kill the silence. Then its lights off in the kitchen and to the bedroom, then its batch time and obviously on separate cases, mostly you are the last to finish and you find them already cocked up and ready for a rhythm. You blend in, touch, kiss and moan with ecstasy, you don’t know what the sounds they make mean, but you can feel them come and both of you done, they cuddle closer to your warm and smooth body and slip into dreamland, it only happened once recently that they kissed you goodnight. You hardly know each other, you don’t talk about each other, what is it you are doing and what is it you want. But the little time you spend with them you find out just on your own, a few things about them. And you wonder what is it you and this person that you are doing, and according to you, it is not a relationship you want and you’d bank on, but still you find that you enjoy being around them and yet you ignore the thought of the kind of relationship you having. Regardless of you investing your emotions. There are days they want to be with you and days they prefer not to, and on your part you really want to see them and always, because to you, to open yourself out to someone, and to go that deep, your emotions are not for granted and to you they are honoured and for someone to have that chance, they must really deserve that. And to find out you are wasting yourself like this it’s an emotional torture. Because you feel you are so special and need a special person to share that special moment with you. Because no one is doing none a favour. This is a reason I say, I don’t have a lover, because I expect a lot from my lover and me. Not sexual intercourse. What is it anyway? Is it a gender communion?

Tuesday, 05 August 2008

how do you help people see new sights and how do you make them understand these new sites how do you make people change and how do you make them manage change. how do you manage people how do you make them see the light when its dark how do you make people become and how do you make them develop. would you turn your back or face a ball thrown at high speed at yourself. would you shift aside for the high speed ball coming at you. would you turn and run at your fastest speed before it and let it come behind you. would you kick it back to where it came from. or would you stand, positioned yourself and prepare to get it and embrace it into your hands your life?
people are so bitter and angry and the world gets more tougher the world gets more tougher and the people get more angry people get more bitter then life gets more frustrating nevertheless, i can move on even so, i can do it regardless i can be the best i can be a winning agent i can have a winning attitude my encounters pull me down my friends pull me down my life frustrates me my boyfriend upsets me my boss irritates me my house is boring neverthelss i can be a better person my colleagues are rigid unnessesarily my friends are firm unnessesarily my dad and my mom are strict everybody is serious nevertheless i can smile all the way nevertheless i flexible all the way i can help them see the floppy side of life i can make them see the funny side of their situation i can make them find life more enjoyable.

Friday, 01 August 2008

there was this young girl there was this other guy and this was the day they were feeling some loves for each but there were other things involved but there were other people involved there was some other loves involved and this was the day

Friday, 11 July 2008

my deep chambered heart angel

It may be easy to look around our world today and see the appearance of chaos,difficulty and strife.Yet,when we come from an open heart,we can also see our opportunity to love all things into balance,joy,harmony and peace.This planet does not need more visions of desperation,fear,doubt and hate...it requires an abundance of love,especially unconditional love,to heal and restore the beauty contained in every moment. This becomes the easier path once we take the first step and begin to share our love.When we bring unconditional love back into our personal,professional,community and family lives,we begin the journey of restoring wholeness and happiness to our planetary adventure. Of course it takes determined effort on our part as the old ways of being are quick to return in our mind.However,this effort to love is rewarded with a new perspective on everything and all life benefits as a result.Love is such a beautiful expression Pulani.When we feel the passion of romance, the gentle touch of kindness,or the simple gaze of a willing smile,we are lifted into a higher awareness of life’s potential.In these precious moments,the impossible melts into infinity itself where all things are possible.We instantly remember what matters most is this love that unites us and assures us that all is well.At the core of our being,we intuitively know we are love.Not just an external expression of love that we equate or define as a loving act,rather the grander love that is unconditional.This love knows no bounds or limits,causes our heart to beat,our body to feel and our mind to think.It animates us and inspires us.Such boundless love literally gives us the freedom to explore the very depths of our reality.Without it,we cease to exist.With it,we soar to amazing heights of experience.Love is silent,yet beckons each moment.Ours is not a paradox,it is an invitation. Love does not intrude since it is ever present.There are lots of smokes in the air; smoke from a chimney where a chef is making chicken tikka,smoke from forest fire,smoke from cars exhausts,smokes from cigarette puffing and smokes of real love.It's ones duty to use the nostrils correct and smell the right thing just as you may make love in the dark...not seeing anything buy going through evrything smoothly in and out.It knows its pitch of course LOL.It merely calls to us and asks that it be included in our awareness through every thought,feeling,word,deed and action.What could be easier?In this physical world we have become so far removed from this intrinsic aspect of our nature that we have forgotten its existence and importance.Instead,we frequently replace true love with our sensory notions and expectations and limit our expression to a few physiological,mental and emotional acrobatics.These demonstrations are an artificial version of love and are symbolic tokens at best. Naturally,they contain the seeds of a grander love; however we usually do not nurture or cultivate unconditional love long enough to experience its potential in us or our relationships.Who among us is courageous enough to remember the truth of love?Shall we be so brave as to be the first to embrace and accept ourselves as potent beings of love? Are we willing to share this limitless expression to each and every one around us....without expectation of anything in return?Can we be so bold as to forgive? So outrageous as to accept and embrace the same potential of love in others? As we grow through life,let us contemplate and invoke this grander love. This time of year often brings travel,traditions,family and unity to the center stage.For many,it is an opportunity to gather and share our symbolic gifts, stories and personal experiences.We come together to celebrate as one and connect with those near and dear to us.Goodwill is our theme as we more readily open our hearts and naturally embrace each other in mutual brother/sisterhood during this period.Within these moments,remember that you carry a special and unique gift that has a wondrous and amazing quality; it is always available,has no cost,cannot be bought,stolen,bartered or lost,it replenishes itself without measure no matter how much of it you give away,and it seeks nothing in return.You can easily bestow it to yourself and everyone around you and,while doing so,the whole world simultaneously benefits.It is the simplest gift anyone can give that never needs to be wrapped or unwrapped.It is unconditional love.When we come from our heart of hearts and share the boundless love for all life, we know that all is well and that our very existence is enough.We see the reflection of our own nature in the eyes of another and this timeless love instantly balances and heals our reality.Consider bringing your special gift into all of your experiences.Share the love that you are without condition and witness the transformation in everyone and everything around you.Be the one who knows what the real secret is to life and let the twinkle in your eye be the ribbon of light that awakens another to their potential.You are the light and love of the world,always have been and always will be. Shine your light this season,as well as all year long,and give the simplest gift of unconditional love to everyone you encounter. What is it about life that is so intriguing and at the same time,can be seemingly so difficult?One moment we appear to be happy and content and the next can bring utter chaos.We can move from joy to anger in a split second or find ourselves deeply mired in wallowing grief and despair for no apparent reason.Are we finally willing to understand what motivates these experiences at a causal level or are we content to react to every effect we encounter for the rest of our lives?Perhaps we can begin understanding the mechanism and driving motivation behind our personal and planetary story and re-member ourselves as part of a greater adventure and collective whole.Maybe it is time we embrace unconditional love at a causal level.Most of us spend our day in some form of reaction to conditions,people,places,and things all processed through our thoughts and feelings.Thinking our way through each circumstance,we attempt to follow a logical pattern and draw a reasonable conclusion to make sense of life while our feelings flair up constantly and often unexpectedly,holding us emotionally hostage in ways we don't even realize.This continues until the next thing comes along and grabs our attention and we head off in another direction.Rather than being fully present in the moment,we compound this process by frequently looking to the past for a sense of direction and stability or daydream a future potential all in hopes that somehow the past or future will free us.When life becomes overwhelming,we combat the resulting chaotic and confusing series of ongoing reactions and unresolvable scenarios by trying to numb,medicate,stimulate or sedate ourselves with an infinite array of methods that further remove us from the reality of reality.Sound familiar Pulani? Add to this mixture the rapidly changing dynamics of our increasing global awareness where we are no longer just dealing with our immediate lives and that of our community,we are faced with the daily issues that plague humanity on a scale far beyond our comprehension much less our conceivable ability to do anything about it.Or so it seems. There is a different way to approach life that can make sense of it all and bring us the peace,harmony and unconditional love we all crave.What we are really looking for in every experience and encounter is the awareness of love.Not just ordinary love,romantic love,or a superficial validation of love,we are looking for the genuine expression of love without condition or limits.At a core level and at the very center of our being we know this to be true; unconditional love is what we are here to experience.Just hearing or reading the words together "unconditional love" you instantly know and feel the intuitive nudge that makes these two words something more than unconditional and love.The funny thing about unconditional love is that it is already within us.It has never been anywhere else.Despite our life-long effort to find it outside ourselves in the people,places and things we continually run around creating,we can never "get" unconditional love from others.As children we expected our parents to be the examples of this type of love without conditions,yet it was never expressed or passed along to them either so they had no way of sharing this wisdom.Now as adults,we continue to search through our relationships with everything in the physical--whether person,place or thing,hoping beyond hope to find this limitless love.
Simply look around and you will see ample evidence that humanity does not currently understand unconditional love,where it really is and how to express this amazing potential.Yet....Pulani,Yet!Consider opening your heart to allow unconditional love to flow once again from within you and experience love of a new magnitude.Become the cup that overflows with this vibrant energy and the world will respond in delight.Forgive and release your attachment to pain,suffering,fear,doubt and separation and take the first step to generate this boundless love.Radiate your love without condition and through you humanity will finally come to know and experience what unconditional love truly is. We are at a beautiful moment on this planet where a new world is being birthed based on integrity,dignity,harmony,peace and love.The most obvious signs that this is well underway is that everything is changing and nothing seems to make sense.In fact,in many ways it appears to be the total opposite of an emerging new world.We are witnessing lies,deceit,greed,extreme wealth and poverty,sickness,destruction,dis-ease,dis-honor,addictions,abuse,and environmental chaos,along with countless other named and unnamed calamities and certainly little evidence of peace or love.Yet appearances can be deceiving in themselves and what we see and perceive is only a tiny fragment of the bigger picture.Over the past several years,one of the regularly recurring themes I've encountered is that so many people I've connected with are hopeful of a better world and at the same time they are sincerely troubled by the one they appear to be presently experiencing.
They know in their hearts that life is not meant to be a struggle filled with so much fear and doubt,yet they find it difficult at times to reconcile the seeming chaos and atrocities that are bombarding them from every seeming angle internally and externally.What if we stepped back and set aside our endless judgment for a moment and looked at the bigger picture?Pulani,I wanna ask just one question....what if we stepped into the realm of our heart and began to listen to its wisdom?When we stop and truly and genuinely look around,what do we see and what are we really experiencing?What is our mental and emotional filter of life and how is this affecting our current perspective?
Do we perceive our reality as an observer or are we still allowing ourselves to be caught up in the drama like a character actor in a play?If it is the latter, do we know how to shift our perspective to see a larger view and a greater whole?Is there a way that we can connect with the real peace and love that already exists within?Is unconditional love a key that unlocks this potential? Our mind has been the thinker for millennia and now it is time to move our energy into the heart and begin to think from this vantage point.By expressing from the heart,we can do something different in our own lives to shift our experience and in turn,the reality around us.Coming from unconditional love,we move out of the duality and polarity of right and wrong,good and bad,and begin to share that which we already are...powerful,wise,loving and lovable beings of immense talent, creativity,compassion and strength.Not to mention,individuals filled with integrity, dignity,harmony,peace,and love. Shifting from one reality to another always includes a phase where the old gives way to the new and this often takes on the momentary appearance of chaos, strife, the need to let go of the known and a courageous willingness to allow the new to manifest. Underlying this or any transition is the loving intelligence that guides us between worlds and emanates from our own heart. No matter what the appearance, the heart knows the bigger picture and from this grander perspective we can make a profound difference.Pulani,make a choice today to suspend judgment and relax into what simply is. Let go of what you mentally think is going on and center your awareness in the heart. Be present in the now and experience the only moment that is real and tangible.Breathe.Allow.Be at peace and you will know peace.Share your unconditional love and the world will know love. You are the one birthing this new world and I am honored to be in your presence. Perhaps the greatest awareness we can focus upon in our life is the wisdom of unconditional love.It is a simple choice each of us can make that leads to profound change and births a new reality within our present moment,the only moment we ever truly have.It is also a personal choice that affects our collective world in amazing ways by restoring the natural balance inherent in all things. Yet,what does it mean to love unconditionally? For many years I have marveled how people respond when I mention these two words together...surprisingly,often heard or considered for the very first time. There is a vibration and acknowledgment that reverberates through the person's being in that particular moment that the single word "love" never achieves. Uttering and contemplating these combined words invokes meaning that is felt at our deepest level.It is a universal understanding of our core essence that knows beyond knowing and fills us instantly with understanding,compassion,joy and harmony.It is the "unconditional" aspect of the phrase that leads us into new territory that we rarely,if ever,consciously travel in our daily life. Ironically,loving unconditionally is nothing more than a shift in our perspective since it is already within us.We bring it to the forefront when we decide to release the layers of guilt,shame,judgement,hatred,anger,worry,fear,doubt and other similar limiting beliefs we have allowed to fill our daily thoughts,feelings and routines.These limiting perspectives have no power other than what we give them through our attention.If we believe them to be true, they take on that energy to validate our creative expression.What happens if we choose to forgive and release them and place our attention on unconditional love instead? Letting go of our attachment to conditioned responses frees us from our past and allows us to dwell in the realm of unconditional love where all things are possible. When we come to love ourselves without limit or condition,we easily view the world from this compassionate foundation and joyfully share our love to others without condition.This gives freedom to everyone and everything around us as we cease placing our limitations on them too.Think of the layers of limitation we have accepted over our lifetime alone and in turn,how many people we have affected.We can end this cycle by choosing a new way through self acceptance and unconditional love. Heart to heart a new world is emerging as we once again recognize our potential to love unconditionally.Oh,there are still plenty of examples that appear less than loving,yet they are only our past limiting thoughts and feelings revealing themselves from a former time when we believed in a conditional life.Now we can love them as aspects of ourselves that reflect who we once were when we believed in limitation in a similar way. Never before have so many responded to their own inner urge to shift their awareness from a fear-based reality to one of unconditional love.We are in the midst of the most profound time ever known upon this planet...the moment where we return to unconditional love and become that which we always were,divine beings of exquisite creative potential. What will you choose Pulani?Can you love yourself so deeply and so freely that you see yourself in the eyes of another?Will you remember in each moment of your day that humanity is filled with individuals wanting to know what and where unconditional love really resides just like you once did?Show them through your strength and courage and release a wave of love that envelops each in a loving embrace from the heart. Thank you for being the beautiful you that you are! I am writing to you for your personal contemplation.As the world is rapidly changing and there is once again a seeming increase in confusion,tension, polarity and fear,I would like to send a different message to each and every one of you recalling the potential to love unconditionally.You already know that my vision is to "inspire people to love unconditionally" and it has been my personal journey to share a timeless and simple message that love is indeed possible.Well,the message now requires action by each of us to fully realize this potential.It is perhaps the most critical time we have yet encountered on the planet and it will take the personal strength of each to lift the world into a higher perspective in the coming days.Behind the many evolving news headlines is a bigger movement attempting to encourage a level of fear and hopelessness to permeate our consciousness into believing that we must be afraid of everything and everyone.This not-so-subtle effort is hoped to keep people from realizing their personal potential to make a difference...and the TRUTH is you do! It only takes one to simply realize that love is more powerful than fear and the game is done.Did I say it was easy? No,in fact,it may be one of the greatest challenges you may ever face.To discover and express love in the face of fear and doubt takes enormous courage and strength.Yet,I know clearly that you are up to the task.This is no longer a time where we can sit idly by allowing our attention to become engrossed on the negative images and stories of others,or continue to live in our own fear,doubt and limitation.Look behind the headlines and images being projected.Then look within and understand why we allow doubt and fear to capture our imagination and release these emotional bonds to the past.
When we can accept our ability to change our personal perspective,we change the outcome for all.I encourage you to become an observer in the coming days and see where your thoughts and feelings are focused.By beginning with this first step,you will add to your awareness of love and affect people within your circle in an exponential and positive way.People thousands of miles away will instantly benefit by this love just because you were willing to go beyond your limited perspective to understand a bigger picture.
Thank you for considering my unusual and timely request.The earth awaits your next thought and feeling of love and forgiveness.Peace does prevail. At the weekend I thought alot of things in store for us in the near future.Today,I've collected my thought about our opportunity that could go to waste if we aren't careful...and put it down for you. May the Lord be with you...Amen Q
It's pitch dark outside, I sit in a corner.. like a stone, between you and reality i'm torn, tears continue to stain my cheeks, as i struggle to hide from you, No, i am not weak.And then you come, pull my fears away, as you hold me tight, "God, let time freeze itself", I silently Pray.My head and heart, each speak a different tune, you lean closer to kiss, I look away, you're dreaming i tell myself, This cannot be true. And when i'm all convinced, this isn't for real, you come and kiss me on my neck, and change the way i feel.I fight my thoughts of letting you go, In the mad rush, i forgot to say no, As our bodies unite, two souls become one, I can feel how much you need me, I know this isn't for fun.Empowered by passion, Embraced in lust, We are engrossed, In quenching each other's thirst.Your grip on me becomes tighter, I feel my body melting in yours, The sun has begun to rise, I can once again feel my fears, The ones that vanished,just cause you were near.And now i know, that you have to go, you say you have to leave, and kiss me once again, I try to stop you, but all in vain.Lonliness begins to creep into me, now that you have gone, I curl back to that corner of mine, once again i have become a stone.

on the highway

at high speed we travel to the destination, we go far away from the land we are put at. the unknown world unfolds before us at high speed. we cannot wait to see the next world coming, so we swiftly fly on and on. and there are potholes and hiccups delaying us.
its not always a smooth sailing to our dreamland.

my times

and then the good times go by, the good days pass by, the moments and memories are kept safe as cherishable ones, not on video, not in pictures only, in your heart you have them, in your mind you have them, in heaven they are there as the one above had it all planned.

for friends we know, and we knew, for our loves we love, and we once loved. for parents we have, we had. for guardians and teachers we have, we had. the paths we follow, we followed, the one above knows and knew all about.

and it is not the time to sit and worry about all those, we begin to realise it is a game of chess, we cover all the moves to win. we realise we have to make smart moves, and check mates.

am closing my eyes to enjoy the day as i feel the energy of it is splendid, i feel my novelity so strong the freshness of it smells great, this is life and for the time being am the queen, my serenity rules and you oblige as nothing feels right except that.

my friend and my lover, my family and to the one above, i give it all to you. for the support has been awesome.

Thursday, 10 July 2008

quincy wambitta timberlake zuma

i waited at the bus terminal with my friend, from around 0800 pm, they said it was arriving around that time to the next hour. i couldn't compose the excitement in me, and my friend too, was as much as i was. it was so cold during that month of June and the day 25th, the night was so cold and my friend began to doze, while each car that drove by, each bus that arrived, and each call that came though my handset, i prayed it was him. my friend gave up and said she was going home and if i wont come she will keep in touch, and i waited. it wasn't yet in me to give up, not on him. when it finally arrived, it was 1050pm. excitedly i ran to the arrivals, and each passenger coming through up to the last one....., i could not believe it. he was not there. he was not in the bus. i even went inside to check, i asked the drivers and all they said was if whoever am looking for is not in the bus, they don't know where they would be. inside, i was burning, i was bleeding. i went home,i took the cab and the driver could not see the tears streaming down my cheeks. i tried his phone and all i got was a voice mail box, until the following day. when my friend phoned to check how everything was, I LIED! i told her he had arrived and was at home sleeping,( i was on my way to work.) i felt so terrible lying, and i pretended to be over the moon, my friend was excited too. i wondered what might have happened, his phones were off and there was no single mail from him at all. i started getting all these funny thoughts, then i contacted the office of the embassy from his country. i gave them his names and contacts for them to check if he ever left the country, i was so concerned. i thought of him being stranded somewhere else, being held by the immigration officials, maybe his travelling documents had problems, maybe there had been an accident. all the negativity came into my head. because if he was alright, then he would mail or call me even from a pay phone. the embassy officials confirmed there has not been an accident in their routes but kept me composed, the lady there Daisy, was nice and it helped me. my friend said maybe he has gone overseas, and i saw the possibility of it so high. but can he do this to me? he said he was coming to see me? wherever he was, was he thinking of me? was he well? now its the 10th of July, and i feel sick, the feeling of waiting is never easy. with every flight that comes in, i suspect he is on it but i go through and find nothing nobody at all. i wish there were some answers to all this puzzle. there is only one thing i do now, the one thing i do each moment. i pray for his safety. the one above to keep him well.

Monday, 07 July 2008

Once in complete darkness,I opened the doorI've finally walked into light,living in colorI found happiness while taking my chance to exploreAnd I discovered a feeling I've never shared with another.It's like picking a beautifully perfect flowerThen putting it on display in a vaseOr finding a candy that's not too sweet nor sour,Every feeling I've ever had,I find it replaced It's that firework in darkness,the rainbow in light.The feeling of having a jar full of firefliesThat you've run around catching all night.A feeling like that,you can't just let fly byeOne in a million love is what I live forI found it right in front of meEven when I didn't know what was through the open doorI walked through and found it standing beside a lit up Christmas tree. It will forever remain in SpringMy flower on display will never dieLife is given to every little thingMy heart beats still,he makes it thrive.If ever my flower starts to wilt,or my fireflies dimOr simply bout of droughtOne simple meaningful kiss from himAll my worries,all my doubts are shattered all around,all about.Long after the day of the happiest of "I do's",Years after my flower,my fireflies,rainbows and sparks should have diedThey live because I gave my heart to you and only you,And with you and remain by your side,every part of me thrives.
Like spring rains,so gently fallingThey nurture flowers and love birds callingLike turtle doves,two lovers cooTwo Flaming hearts,we join anewLike summer suns,which warm so deepThey stir our passions and love to keepLike Eve and Adam the two first matesTwo Flaming hearts,new life createsLike autumn frost which chills the airThey change the leaves and a lover's careLike photographs of old are fadedTwo Flaming hearts,past love is jadedLike winter winds which blow so coldThey numb the body and chill the soulLike love once shared that now is brokenTwo Flaming hearts,that now lie frozen....

Tuesday, 20 May 2008

end last week, i was honoured to be part of a symposium-career diversity annually inspiring participants to realise their potential. it was great being there, something in me was unleashed and it felt awesome. The workshop was themed, ‘managing change’ And I learnt a lot of great stuff. That nobody can change me, that change can destroy me if not managed well. I have to embrace it, I have to love it. And be flexible to avoid being worn out of shape. It felt like they chose the theme looking at me, my life, honestly it meant me in full force. I have managed well with change though I have had down falls. I cannot wait to attend the next one. so i am becoming a change agent and enforcing the same spirit in my environment, that is my home, my personal life, at work in my organisation. its a challenge, but challenges make us better, we realise how tough and strong we are. like a ball in full force thrown at me, am going to grab it with both of my hands and run with so much speed. i am going to not avoid it, for fear of being hit by it. that is me. am going to live my story, let them sing and tell my story while you listen. change is inevitable.

as we belong

seeing the sun rise each morning, i know i will see it set again each dusk. with you in my thoughts the whole time. images of you sparkling like its rays. foreve in my heart, forever in my mind, forever in me i pray you will be. as we belong. the bedroom light i see each evening when i come home, from my bedroom window. the pictures of me, the picture of you hanging on the wall, i see each time i enter the bedroom. i smile and just look far ahead in the future, our future. because that is what you are, we are my future. we will be. as we belong. that last glance and prayers i say, each time i leave the bedroom, my house. that i return with same love and well being. we will be. as we belong. the side of my bed, the side of my pillow. rests assured we will be, as we lay, we will be. as we belong.

Monday, 19 May 2008


what is change? i learnt a great lot of stuff i have always thought simple, only to realise it can kill me. i learnt what change, is. i learnt how it can kill me if i dont embrace it. that i have to make choices that will determine the kind of that transition, whether into the next better phace of my life, the next badder phase, into the future. or the back into the past. i have to manager change very well because change is evetything, and it is everywhere. infact i am a change agent, just since 2007begin. are you?

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

She sat there in that Air Botswana room She felt so alone She wondered if what she heard was true,He had a heart of stone.They said he doesn't fall in love,That he leaves when he gets bored.She wants to know while she's still high up.So she's not crushed like before.She thinks about him constantly.They see she's crazy about him,They said he's only a little attracted,And he'll just want to be friends.She doubts she can steal his heart away,Or make him feel the same inside.She loves to see him everyday But her feelings,she has to hide.As they sat there in that empty room,She had so much to say,She wanted to tell him the truth But she's not sure he'd stay.If he will not fall in love She'll turn her heart to stone,So when he says she's not good enough,She won't be feeling so alone!

2007.begin: what is love.

2007.begin: what is love. from quincy with love. i love the love that loves me

what is love.

In the ancient elapsed historythere is this sad love storywhen love was kind of a sin& inequity was always there to winjust two dared to face the rules..to ignore what all people know..they believed that their sacred love was above this law..no man is to love a woman...no woman is to chose her man..no! secret love is to grow...just rules to follow..the father is to accept..the mother is to chose..and the son..the daughter..have their voices to lose..all the generations accepted that...no voice for them...no ear to listen for fact..they must accept and go on with what is commanded...and their life with sorrow..has always been endedbut then..the two angels..a boy and a virgin with no 1 to defend....loved each other a lot..wanted their love to be a legendfight-ed for that..but no one accepted their unblessed love for sure..and shall their hearts to be 1 part..1 piece to moor!the king heard the immoral! newsand the two shall be prepared to abuse!!they knew that..and decided to run away..they must be free...they are in a bay...before the sunrise..and they are just with each othertrying from the prison from that kingdom to get farther..well! the same as for the youth...for the ppl their..the big.. the ..small head is searching for them..no one can this news barethey are running on their legs!!by their hearts..by their love..the others after them but with horses..with envy..thats kinda rove!but in that kingdom and we all know that rule..love is a sinso angels shall be catch-ed...love is to lose..envy is to winknow they are in the small cage...nothing btw them only a wall..and the king's rage!!the first two..to disobey the rules..the last for this age..let them be a lesson..shall they both pay the wage!they are in the middle of the court...waiting for their gruelingfor their souls..to be executed..for what they did..for their love feelingthis is horrendous..but tho they are happy..cuz nothing 2 separate them only death...this was the promise btw them....so execution in their world is a bless...he will be for her..and the same she will..and their will be no creature to nill..looking into each others eyes..with a smile..and a tear..they didn't think about the pain when the thug will cut their heads..no fearand as the sword cammed closer to their neck...they smiled that calm love smile..that was a beck..to tell each other that in seconds they will be 4 ever together...upon ppl watching their heads rolling on the ground..down to the nether..they was above their bodies..angels each with a wing..watching the poor people...feeling sorry for that king..that never felt with this bless..and shall they be together..shall their love be a myth...and they will be 1 part for ever Do you have brains to crack the meaning of this letter and imagine of us being

Saturday, 10 May 2008

i am feeling like mingling with the new crowd of people i dont know. i am tired of the faces i see everyday at work at home. so i left home this afternoon to want to blend, with the new crowds of people in my world. i passed the center of multitudes of them watching some music artists performing, i wanted to stand and watch with them ,but the sun is just too scortching for my fragile skin. i blame myself; i have my bare top and my blue jean shorts, and my hair is loose, i dont have the shade or umbrella. but i can hear the sounds from the huge machines playing from here. am at a hotel's net cafe, i wanted to chat to some friends and my lover who seem to be outta line. but i left some messages. i love communicating. it keeps me in touch with everyone else out there. i love writing, it keeps me alive and moving. i love you too.

am happy

i look around suddenly am happy i sigh heavily suddenly am happy i wave my hand to a friend, a stranger suddenly am happy i blink my eye suddenly am happy i laugh out loud suddenly am happy i smile to a friend, a stranger suddenly am happy i touch a baby's fingers suddenly am happy i touch my teat suddenly am happy. i look up the clear blue sky suddenly am happy i look further up the horizon suddenly am happy i watch the aircraft take off suddenly am happy i wave the passengers on board suddenly am happy i look around me in the vast airfield suddenly am happy. i read my poetry suddenly am happy i read your poetry suddenly am happy i read on my blog suddenly am happy i read on your blog suddenly am happy i look at my pictures suddenly am happy i look at your pictures suddenly am happy. i stare at myself in the mirror suddenly am happy i look into my eyes suddenly am happy i look into your eyes suddenly am happy. i look around my room i see my bed i watch my tv i listen to my music i hear my neighbour singing along suddenly am happy. i see myself bathing i see myself getting into bed i see myself snuggling under covers i find myself sleeping i find myself dreaming about you i find myself awake at dawn suddenly am happy. i watch cars speeding off i watch kids play i watch you i see the world am in i see myself in the world suddenly am happy.
are you working, i pray you arent are you engaged, i wish you arent are you busy, i hope you arent are you commited, i pray you arent. because i'd love to be with you. because i'd love to see you becuase i'd love to be around you because i'd love to be right whre you are i'd love to have you. am proposing for some time with you am proposing for some moments with you because i'd love to have you. a chance to know you a chance to know me to know each other to give each other a second chance. because you are the last thinnest thread am holding onto because its you whos holding me back because its you whos making me look at the sun when it rises each morning because its you whos saying there is so much to give in me
the moment they walk in and sit if not lean for a clear and closer view, i am on full alert. we have an instant easy connection. muscles that control my smile ache. i feel light beaming out of my body. i am in full control of giving and sharing. all these i cant help. i enjoy the swing. i give special service they can never get elsewhere. i look them right in the eye. kingdly ask how i can be of help. what they want. i gently deliver and say to them, what will always bring them back./ they walk out, pleased.

Friday, 09 May 2008

dont you forget how we met
dont you forget how we came to be
because i will never forget
because it is not like any ordinary
at this moment i am feeling at my weakest and fragile because i feel sorry
at this moment my heart is aching because i feel bad
at this moment iam failing to understand why i cannot be forgiven because i deserve to
everybody is forgiven for,
everybody is asking for forgiveness,
everybody does wrong,
everybody hurts,
everybody feel.
and they are forgiven.
sometimes i wish i never loved because loving is painful
sometiems i wish i never felt because feeling hurts
sometimes i wish i had everything because i'd have you
sometimes i wish i'd be your favourite because you are my favourite
everybody has their own favourite one.
my heart beats like am frightened,
my face is red like am crying
my lips are dry like am nervous
my eyes are red like i been crying
my eyes are teary like am hurting
my mind is blank like am insane
everybody is feeling.
i want to have you
i want you to need me
i want to hear you
i want you to hear me
i want to love you
i want you to love me better
everybody loves their love.
i want you to care
i want to care too.
i want you to feel appreciated
i want you to feel cared for
i want you to feel needed
i want you to know i am here
everybody is there for their love.
i have been hurt
you were there
i have been crying
you were there
i have been there
everybody has been.

Thursday, 08 May 2008

There was a point I wanted to really give in and walk away but I couldn’t. The point in time I wanted to shout out loud but I couldn’t. I wanted to so much stand strong but I couldn’t. The queue was so long and the heat unbearably scorching. I wanted to take a step ahead of me but my strength failed me. I was so tired and all I wanted to do was collapse. Do u know how it’s like waiting for something you don’t know, waiting for something you are not sure of. Something somewhere in your heart you know belongs to you, something somewhere in the world is coming to you, and something deep in yourself says you know you cannot give up. Its too early for you to be giving in. And then with all the might u don’t know where u get from, you close your eyes and just go on and listen to your heart. Your mind tells you it’s the right thing to do. Right now I am feeling empty, I am feeling empty because the void isn’t filled up anymore, and it’s a huge one. I am feeling empty because my room is empty; there is a huge space that’s not filled up anymore. I am feeling empty because my bed is so huge I cannot fill it up it alone. I am feeling empty because my world is empty;-my office is empty, my dish is empty, my tear gland is empty, my dustbin is empty, my pot is empty, my stomach is empty, my pocket is empty, my desk is blank, my mind is blank, my friend is nude, every piece is bare. Come fill in my world.

day by day i think of you

the soft purr of rain
my eyelids get heavy
as the raindrops urge them to close
my mind drift to that day.
day by day i think of you
the video plays in my mind
the scenes go on and on in my eyes
day by day i think of you
i relive the day
i dread to forget it
yesterday was good
i walked alone
i watched the world around me
i watched the kids play, the dust rising from the ground
i listened to their voices, they talked and shouted from the playground
dust rising from their feet.
yesterday was good
i watched the sun set, the horizon pinkish orange rays
i watched the traffic lights from afar in the city
i watched the taxis drive by from, to town
i watched everybody hurrying home, from town
i listened to their voices, they talked in lower tones.
yesterday was good
i watched the women and men pushing wheelbarrows home,
from fetching water from public water pipes
i watched boys riding home in donkeycarts,
from fetching firewood in the lands..
yesterday was good
i walked alone back to the homesteads
i watched grandma make some fire
i watched my younger brother chase after hens and the rooster
i listened to his voice, laughing and giggling
i watched my younger sister kneeling down blowing the firecoals
i listened to the puff of air from her lungs blowing.
yesterday was good
i inhaled the smell of dust and dry air
i smelled the homestead dust
i heard the homestead noise
i watched grandma by the fires making some coffee
i sat by the fires sipping my coffee
i watched the fire burning
i looked up and felt at peace
i saw the dark sky
i felt at home.
yesterday was good
i retired to bed feeling all good and warm
yesterday was good.

there is

there is a star at night at dawn follow the glitter of it at night at dawn there are rays at dawn at dusk look up the horizon and see the beauty of it there is a bright new day in the morning at noon follow your dream and reach out to the unlucky there is you at the end of theday at lifes end look back and learn from it all this is some life you are living live if fully and happily because it is yours, trully yours.

flying without wings

would you come with me if i was to fly away? would you be part of me if i had to fly away? would you die with me if i had to? would you laugh with me if i did? would you cry with me if i did? would you be at peace with me like i am? would you just be with me?

we belong

when we sail with the sailors when we lie with the liars when we say the saying we belong with them. when we love with the lovers when we love the love that loves us when we fly with the fliers when we soar with the eagle we belong with them. when we sing with the singers when we cry with the heartbroken when we go with the travellers we belong with them.
the waters run by the puff of air is refreshingly dam and sweet the ground and earth are appetizingly damp the light the sun shines the colours the sky is the stars the moon gleam days glow in amber shadows and shades move objects shift as time swiftly ticks as we celebrate beautiful life as we feel gorgeous as we calmly blend in with nature as life slowly moves on as night comes, we will slumber to rest, hoping and dreaming for a better world.

Saturday, 05 April 2008

love is

love is a complex tool,it confuses us in a spiritual phenomenon.

when u love them

you love them so much you think of them so often you see them, you look at them, you stare at them dreamingly you long for them you only wish they would do the same you see them in your day to day fantasies you see them in your night to night visions you dare the day they wont be no more you are glad they were born you only wish they would do the same you only wish they would feel the same

Saturday, 29 March 2008

its not like yours


on Easter

the peace and tranquility was more profound . the spiritual feelings more content and more fulfilling. i managed to look back and saw where i came from, i managed to look further where i am going. i managed to find myself in the past in the future. in my journey of paths, i bowed and asked for forgiveness. in the unfolding future that lies right ahead of me, i bow and ask for guidance and protection, the personal connection is intent, as i seeked and found myself.


i love my hair the colour of my hair glimmers i love my skin the colour of my skin golden shines i love my eyes the colour of my eyes penetrate clear i love my smile genuine and innocently trusting i love my legs nice and velvet sexy i love my lips ruby red and soft i love my voice small and high pitched i love my body figure and reflection of the unsung naked truth copy and representation of the ruler of heritage the image in its most naked soul the icon in its most unlived memories i love this extraordinary body, myself

waiting is never easy

i am witng for you to love me not to love me not i am waiting for the taxi to take me to my house not your house i am waiting for the rain to cool my world not to heat it i am waiting for the world to make some noice not to be silent i am waiting for the sun to rise not to set i am waiting for the knife to slice my cake not to butcher me i am waiting for the priest to annouce myself as your wife i am waiting for your pronounced feelings i am waiting for you to make a mark of your growing love for me waiting is never easy. i am waiting for the train to bring my lover home i am waiting for my tutor to bring my test results i am waiting for the flight to my lover's town i am waiting for the doctor to tell me if its a boy i am waiting for the green light not red not amber because all i want is to go because there is no time to wait at the red and amber waiting is never easy. i am waiting for the phone to ring i am waiting to hear your voice i am waiting for the night not day, to see my love peacefully asleep i am waiting for the day not night, to see my love wake up peacefully rested. i am waiting for you to say the i dos i am waiting to hear you say your good nights i am waiting to hear you say your good mornings i am waiting to hear you say your thank yous i am waiting to hear you say your i love yous waiting is never easy. i am waiting to hear you cry i am waiting to hear our baby cry i am waiting to feel our baby move i am waiting to see our garden flower i am waiting to hear the birds sing in our garden i am waiting to hear thunder roar i am waiting to watch the rain pour with you i am waiting to watch the stars with you i am waiting to watch the sky with you waiting is never easy. i am waiting to die i am waiting to just go i mean just that waiting is never easy.


in this year that i aged, i have some laughter.so u do have some and be joyous. in this month that i aged, i have some love, so u do have some and glow. give some love and courtesy treat to some care, laughs and loves share, listen and touch to feel be glad you were born be glad someone was born. age with dignity, grow with wisdom and pride live to the rest to be the best in the test see the bigger picture find the finner details of living see the funnier details in everyday of your living.

will u forget me

will u ever forget me will u ever forget not myself our love will u forget my hands on you will u forget my eyes on you will u forget my body onto yours will u forget my smile on you will u forget my arms around you will u forget my voice will u forget my breath on you will u forget my whispers on your ears will u forget our steamy nights will u ever forget us? will u ever forget the love i had for us will u forget the life i u had for us will u forget the moments of ourselves wll u forget the tears we cried together will u forget the means we had will u forget the fights we had will u forget the walks we had will u forget the laughs and giggles we had will u ever forget us? will u ever, because i will never.

we feel

it is a beautiful expression we feel the passion of romance we feel the gentle touch of kindness we feel the simple gaze of a smiling face we feel the touch of a willing heart we are lifted into a higher awarness of life the years of ourl ives bring travel the moments of our lives bring family and friends the situations of our lives bring love and tradtion the sunrises in our lives the sunsets in our lives they bring unity and togetherness opportunities to forgive opportunities to share our gifts of life and love times to share our stories together and personal experiences. in love, friendship and loyalty shares.


love in the eyes of the strangers life shared with strangers insnt it much better? isnt it much beautiful? because those we know better because those we think we know better we think we love them enough to want to grow old with but it is those who know us it is those we know better who let us down, badly. love in the eyes of the strangers life shared with a stranger isnt it much better? isnt it much beautiful?


we cry we dance we laugh, together we whisper we talk the language of the angels we talk out loud we laugh, together we listen we understand we are moved by the loudest shout we cry, we dance we laugh together we light with fire we glimmer with hope we shine with love we giggle we smile we laugh we dance we laugh together

Monday, 21 January 2008

January 20th Sunday, that is yesterday. my journey of twenty eight years of being began. it is a journey of feeling. feeling so grown and up with responsibilities. feeling so mature and ripe with decisions. feeling aged with years of going and coming to. age grounds, my journey of feeling grounded. age deepens, my feeling of deepening meaning of life. age enriches, my journey of enriched days and nights. age flattens, my over years of anguish and torture supplemented by growth and responsibility. age opens minds, my mind opened yesterday. i began seeing things in a different way. i began feeling different. i began thinking ahead and mature and sensible. i began looking back and up ahead, i began making choices, rich ones. age teaches, i am being taught as now, how to write this. i am being taught as now, how to read this. i am being taught as now how to be me as am. i am being taught how to live my own 28 years, the beginning of great achievements and rich memories. i am being taught to move on and let go. i am being taught to forgive, forget and learn. i am being taught to walk tall and humbly confident. i am being taught to swim to the coastline for survival. i am being taught to rock my own boat, of course with an aim and a captain as me. age broadens minds, my life is being open as now, my world is open and rich with possibilities as now. my life is precious and is being filled with memories made each second of a minute. my lifeline depends on the one above as much. grow, learn and move on as age ages you.
in this life line, it is not about living, it is not about having some life in this life line, it is not about hearing, it is about listening. it is not about listening its about understanding. it is not about looking, it is about seeing. get the picture right. get the word right. get things straight.

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

treasure hunt for the diamond in between hunt for the jewel sea under hunt for the treasure in the jungle as we slipper and brush together as we feel it with our fingers slippery the eel and jewel sea under diamond in between treasure sea under the jungle search till you find it
what have i done what is the silence for silence tourtures anguish of the heart anguish of the mind silence speaks loud silent shout of the heart silent screams of the mind what have i done. i think of you though i love you though i miss you still....
on this day that we sit on this day that we are on this day that we pray on this day that we fall on this day that we feel on this day that we think on this day as we love as much the one above, our creator looks upon us grants us our wish... on this day as we lie on this day as we sin on this day as we hurt on this day as we cry on this day as we laugh on this day as we meet the one above, our creator avoids temptations coming our way the one above,our creator washes us the one above, our creator loves us unconditional the one above, our creator keeps us safe and grounded till we meet again...

Saturday, 12 January 2008

what is this i feel. i am exhausted and tired. i think i hardly feel i am hurting and painful. i think i hardly love. what is this i feel. i gave up because i think i could hardly feel i think i could hardly imagine i think i could hardly connect i think i could hardly feel the sensual pull of love until you came along. now i want to know what is this i feel. it is strange but free to recognise it is strange but free to reconnect it is strange what i feel. it is strange but i find the texture of it connecting us invisibly touched emotions. what is this i feel it is strange but something real and not imagined it is strange but affects out lives our little reactions and actions. us who met and felt the pull of the evolution felt the I in you, the YOU in i
wish to walk the streets and the hills wish to whisper and talk the language of the angels wish to see the little birds wish to imagine and dream wish to wake and sleep wish to entertain and write wish to take part of you wish to want whole of you wish to myself something real wish to find things familiar wish to feel love familiar wish comfort your soul wish to support our confidence wish to reconstruct our pride as we fall wish to be strong and understand wish to hold your hands and glow inside as we bond i wish to love you as much
i am waiting for the rope to ring my neck. i am waiting for the ring to band my finger. i am waiting for the circle to round my life. i am waiting for the butcher to slice my life. i am waiting for the chef to spice me up. i am waiting for the instrument to ring and make some noise. i am waiting for the moment to man my life. i am waiting for the moment to end my life. i am waiting for my role to run my life. i am waiting for my lover to love me more. i am waiting for the cord to string my connections. i am waiting for you to network me up. waiting isn't easy.
the festive season has ended now, and i hope everybody enjoyed themselves. i hope everybody managed to look back into 07 sighed with lots of variety. i know the stars twinkled as it guided the wise men manifested in everybody's life and helped them break new grounds in 08. i had gone home 712km away from the main city of Botswana, Gaborone where at the moment i am trading my skills and experience. home was great, i was with mama, and my siblings. i arrived on the 23rd and the following day, on christmass eve i cooked them as a christmass present, a nice sweet and juicy meal. i love cooking, so i had a good time, come Christmas's day, i was home alone the whole day, with my mom and the rest of the family gone out. it was that time that i really needed to be alone, that time again to pray and reflect on the journey i have had...
that time again, that moment of a year, a great one in our lives.it was that time again for those lucky one like me and you. those unlucky like myself yourself. when the pages of a book are all turned to the left. when moments of time are all behind us. when all we had was memories...
that time again to say our goodbyes. to say our i love yous. to say our i am sorrys. to say our thank yous.
that time again to let go. to grow and nurture. to be warm and welcoming.
that time again to be, and just to be.
you. us. ourselves with our loving families.
in love friendship and trust shared.
let us pray. let us give.
i came back to my life in the city on Boxing Day and the following day back to work as normal until new year's eve.
and for that i hope you had a wonderful time too. keep well and enjoy 08.

to be and to know

it is an awesome time.it is true, in that awesome time everything felt like a lifetime of knowing and being. in reality, it is the time spent together, a wonderful time. it is a time of falling in love once again and again.
they are moments of happiness. moments of opening hearts and lives.
joyous moments of opening eyes and arms to each other
terrific times and moments of knowing and being
times to open and close arms and legs, locking inside the beauty of knowing and being in love.
these are the best moments. out of this world, times of knowing and being.
these are the greatest feelings, breath-ta kingly superb one.
no words yet to say. no lyrics yet to sing. no sound yet make. no words yet to write and tell as is.
not in this world, not in this lifetime.
it is that time, that moment to be, to know.
in reality, it is sweet. it is beautiful, the smell, the touch and the beauty of it all is remarkable.
times to bond and to remain.
times to please and experience the kind hearted, the free spirited.
to let go let it be and let it be known.
let the world open and soar, be free and give in,
to know and to be as is.
to have and to hold. to make and to do. to moan and to cry with ecstasy.
to enjoy and to have it all.
it is honestly having it all, the way like never,
it is honestly giving it all, that much from all angels like never,
it is honestly feeling as is.
it is the occasion you want to attend.
it is the occasion you would hate to leave behind.
the occasion you would not want it to finish.
it is like reading a fairy tale book.
it is like nothing ever known
to be and to know love.