Sunday, 30 September 2007

be seen

create and be identified have a stamp by your make so people will be able to spot you. so you will be able to have your mark on the make. create and be seen have your mark on my make so i will be able to remember you. be seen in me be seen in your make be visible in the open have your mark on your make so you will be able to know yourselve...

Friday, 28 September 2007

tshelo jo, bo siame tshelo jo, bo monate leboga ipele o tshele. ka go bo, o gouta ka go bo, o naledi ka jalo, leboga...ipele..o tshele. tshelo jo, bo a phatsima ka jalo, phatsima le jone galalela ka bo-gouta jwa gago tshelo jo, bo a tswelela ka jalo, tswelela gouta, leboga, ipele, o tshele... naledi naletsana...!
i see the sky, full with dark clouds bearing holy waters the atmosphere is dim with moist air chilly gusts of air rage about dry spring leaves scartter around washed by along the roadsides. i listen outside, rumbling noice is heard in the distance showers are coming. i hear the rainstorm atop my roof i am hopeful for my park i am hopeful for my herd i am hopeful for my land i am grateful for my plots i feel the sweet scent of rain i look up... i see doors of heaven opening raindrops bathe the earth i smell dry lands swallowing the waters the damp soil smells good the damp grounds tastes great wash away the dirt cleans thy spirit downpour bathe the earth wash away wickedness fly away my heart fly away my soul rain has come....

Thursday, 27 September 2007

i have seen him somewhere, i have not met him yet but i have seen him at some place, in some sort i talk to him so often, i read his letters so often i wait for his calls so anxiously... waiting is never easy i listen to him...he listens to me somehow we connect, somehow we relate and it feels so good and so right we are going to meet soon, for the first time i am tense and panicky but excited i cannot wait waiting is never easy as the time and place draws nearer i can feel my heart racing i can feel the rhythm of my pulse each kilometer draws us nearer each hour, each stop brings us closer each breath respires with a link to our spirit in friendship shared each beat pounds with a bond to our soul in love shared we will look kindly smile to smile we will stare lovingly eyes to eyes we will smile and laugh softly we will hug and kiss tenderly we will talk softly face to face speaking the language of angels we shall stroll in the evenings we shall look at the vast sky we shall see a shooting star and make a wish we shall see a falling star and count our blessings we shall burst with so much to say we shall feel the moment we shall imagine, of what of our union we shall think, of what of our pronounsation we shall feel, of what of our accent we shall dream...we shall wonder... if ever to make one whole voice... if ever it will be one of our worship if ever we will be on of our own kind.. if ever we will make one sweet love...

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

you know my thoughts i know your thoughts we know each other you read my mind i read your mind we know each other we quarrel without speaking we argue still. after our unspoken clash after our silent quarrel we stand and look far ahead above the horizon we see angels looking upon us we need angels to unite us and without saying a word... we smile.... still hushed, we unite
they have gone to the bush they say the bush has a life there is a living in the bush i can hear them singing but i cannot see them their voices are clear and penetrate through the wild they are singing folk songs they are bringing firewood they say wood is in the bush they are bringing moretlwa(brandybush) they say berries are in the bush they are bringing cowpat for our hut they say the bush has a life there is living in the bush i can hear them singing but i cannot see them their voices are clear and penetrate through the wild they are singing folk love songs

Monday, 24 September 2007

a whisper a whisperer...

this voice is a whisper only to you, to the world this world around you is advancing at a pace the world of your own is at our own peace the thoughts are of own at your own pace.... to the world. and voicing them is intimidating because they would not be heard nor understood as a resort, pen is put onto paper and keeping these thoughts to you is all the confort you need. reading each one of them, one of each of the days gives you the entire cool, for deep inside of yourself you know you have an audience... because being read, this whisper has a deep sense of meaning... being read, this whisper is understood as is... and to the whisperer, not being able to boldly voice out inner thoughts and feelings, kills self-confidence destroys self-being sinks and drop self-image tear rips the control of self-life... and to the whisperer, reading out the whisper is a sensation of confort. so, one other good sunday... it is a bit cloudy and the humid air smells so fresh and good for the soul. under a big baobab tree, but little afar, a crowd of young and grown is waiting. this crowd is seated facing the baobab where there is a display of a guitar, a stool and a sound mixing system. these crowds of people are waiting patiently for what looks like a show of some kind, and have been waiting for a while now... far aside is a mobile refrigerator, a full size cask where anyone thirsty helps themselves... the atmosphere is thrilling and everyone is enjoying the cool air. suddenly there is a voice coming out from the speaker systems, it is this voice that makes this crowd silent, it is this voice that makes this crowd stand on their feet, it is this voice that draws them to the meaning of being there, that they realise is a reading of whispers. the whisperer flows with tender meaning and affection, the whisperer beams with love..the audience follows each word of the whisper, the audience is taken to heights and lows of the moments in the whisper. everybody is silently following the voice. they blend with each whisper. they adjust to each word, they read each word and they love what they hear and how they hear it. there is communication, a link in the air, in the atmosphere with the crowd, with the whisperer, a powerful bond. and to the whisperer... being able to see the joy and delight in the crowd,being able to see them appreciate the whispers. the understanding they get is a boost to inner self. the whisperer regains control and assurance. the audience is thrilled to know the session continues again the following few weeks. and to the whisperer, there is growth and advancing with the world, the crowd there is control and knowledge with the world, the crowd there is excitement and laughter in the beholder's eyes during rehearsal to yet another rhythm in a whisper

message from mama

i would love you to have all the luck in your lives i pray everyday for all the success in your passages of living even though life is as so, as tough as living is... i hate for you, to unhappiness i pray for you, to great things in living so, please take care and try to be happy you know that you are my sunshine....
life is taken from me in a second life is strange, it is against me in a minute life is precious everyday life is what i make of it, everyday life is what i make of it, every moment and it is how i live life by day...each day

Thursday, 06 September 2007

am i growing?

on this day as i walk to work i encounter new things and different atmosphere and attitudes, and wonder what they bring in me, i wonder if they bring some what kind of fate? i wonder if they bring some good days? i wonder if they bring total new beginnings, new growth and heights... i stop wondering and focus on my walk, it is a good morning; clear sky still pinkish with sunrise rays...this breeze brushing against my smooth cheeks fills me with air that flourishes my soul. traffic driving at full speed everybody getting to their own different destinations, as they pass by this woman walking by the pavement, the wind blowing and brushing her dreadlocks back..., they don't see her eyes as they are shielded from the strong wind by her dark goggles... and they wonder why she is not one of one of them in one of one of those taxis and they don't know she has her own wonders as well. everybody wonders, and somebody thinks nobody wonders, somebody thinks they are alone, well we all wonder. "this mind that wonders..., izzonline poetry" very often i make resolutions to overcome certain problems and to change certain ways,allay new ones...but i don't seem to be following them, i don't seem to be growing and learning. but this nil nil seven was supposed to be the beginning of a life in purpose, and i can say it hasn't started yet but i see some changes and i wonder am i growing? but there is one strong thing i love in myself; i am able. i have the ability to rise to the challenge. and as much as growth is important and, as much as i am important, so, i am still growing... are u growing?

Wednesday, 05 September 2007

nil one nil nine 2007

relocate to dislocate disconnect to reconnect zeal triple trip zealous location with double connections walk to the mall in connections and to base talk about tripple trip with double connections talk of the living in new location talk about loads of living talk to the self mind about self image tired body and mind from tripple trip, slumber into dreamland dreamworld it is about new dawn... the next sunshine.... dreamworld about self mind about self image good morning of good afternoon new location new connections great sunrise...long shower...good looking, it is a great day nice hot coffee...long stare in the mirror meditating good sunshine good walk to work good looking it is a great world... good attitude, great is a good day have a nice day...